It’s time to renew your MARA Membership for 2025!
We’ve not changed the membership dues for yet another year.
- $24 for the primary member in a household
- $12 for each additional household member.
This year you can pay three ways.
- By Credit Card using our Online Store (we charge an additional $1 to cover the transaction fees)
- By Check
- Using Zelle through your bank
- Cash
By Credit Card
To pay by credit card use our online store.
- Please Remember
- If you have additional family members you must first add one primary membership to your cart.
- Also, to cover the transaction fee, when you pay by credit card, we will be adding $1 to the charge (if you choose Check the $1 won’t be added).
- Finally, at checkout there is a place for Order Notes. Please enter your call sign as well as any family members for whom you are paying.
Some members choose to make an additional donation to MARA. There is a “product” on the cart for you to add an additional donation. Just choose donation and “dial up” the number of dollars you would like to donate and add it to your cart.
To Pay by Check
Please make your check out to Madison Area Repeater Association and put your call sign (and any family members for whom you are paying) on the memo line.
If you do your banking by computer you may be able to send a check through your bank. This usually saves you the postage and the Credit Card transaction fee (or you can use Zelle. See below).
Send your check to:
Madison Area Repeater Association
c/o Jeff Fillian
37 Cherokee Cir
Unit 102
Madison, WI 53704
Using Zelle
OK, geeks. This year you can choose to pay using Zelle if your bank and your banking app allows it. Every banking app is different so we can only give you generalities. In your banking app find the option to make a payment using Zelle. You should be able to scan a QR code to pay.
There are no additional charges for using Zelle, $24 for primary member and $12 for each additional household member.
Please remember, when you have the option to include a note with your payment, to include your call sign, and anyone else for whom you are paying.

Yep, you can still pay using cash, but you need to come to one of our meetings to do so. Check out our calendar for details on our next meeting.